While I do agree that your colleague does sound like an air-head who really
doesn't have a clue as to what she sticks into her mouth, there actually is a
discernable difference in the quality of "organic" and "regular" meats.
Obviously, an animal which spends its life in a confined space where it has very
little opportunity to get any exercise (not unlike many Ottawans I suppose)
is going to have flaccid muscle tissue and a lot of fat.
The taste of any animal flesh has much to do with the amount of blood flowing to
it. That's why the most flavourful cuts are also usually the "toughest" cuts (ie
well-exercised muscle tissue like shank cuts).
And that's also why free-range animals taste better than those which spend all
of their lives cooped up in pens or cages.
Aside from the issue of taste, there's also the issue of concentration of
pesticide and herbicide residues.
Since cattle are near the top of the food chain, the concentrations of toxins
will be directly proportional to the amount of feed it has eaten which was grown
using pesticides and herbicides, or if the animal was fed animal-based protein,
the potential concentrations of toxins will obviously be exponentially greater.
A confined animal will necessarily be raised on feed which the farmer has either
purchased or grown. If you take a moment to think about how most modern farmers
grow corn, soy beans, cereal grains etc. you will realise how much different
feed produced from such crops will be from untreated pasture lands where animals
are allowed to graze for all of there lives.
"Organic" meats need not cost more.
Many of the small family farms around Ottawa still raise their cattle the old-
fashioned way (ie they let their animals spend their lives in open pasture) and
if one purchases one's groceries at one of the smaller, family-run outlets which
buys its meat from local producers, there's a good chance that you'll be getting
"organic" meat. All you have to do is have a look (assuming that you know what
to look for) and it should be obvious, or if in doubt, ask the store owner where
the meat came from.
If you were to meet one of the animals who has spent its life in open pasture,
you would immediately see a difference between it and a creature who has spent
its life in a feedlot.
Post by RickYa organic is there really a diffrence...........pay more money for the same
shit. I work beside a granola head and it pisses me off when she eats her
little organic shit........then goes to the mall and brings back a chineese
dinner frome the fast food joint..........lol
To me meat is meat..............this is the 2000 yr and everyone is freaking
.. Eat what you want and exercise and all will be ok.
Well do not eat meat from infected countries.....and all will be ok.
Post by Arty Choke HeartsPost by RickThis organic meat would be more expensive than your regular meats.
What a time we live in, when "regular meat" is the meat from the animals
that have had an unsuitable diet.